King Donkey Ears
In this time, I am going to explain you about a book. This book name is ‘King Donkey Ears’. It was very interesting because the construction of story is very nice.
First of all, the king had donkey ears, so he did too shame. If I had it like him, I did too shame, I think. Every servant knows this secret off king because they have to cut his hair, so the king sent them to the prison. They are to be pitied because they have not done anything wrong. They only saw donkey ears when they were cutting his hair! I thought that I want to help them to escape!
Once, Meg who are a servant of king comes king’s house, and she had to cut his hair. Of course, she saw donkey ears, so he intended to send her to prison, but she refused to do it because she had to care her mother who sick! He moved the term, so he sent her to her house, but they promised she doesn’t have to tell anyone else.
However, she felt not good because she wanted to tell anyone that! So, she shouted the tree that thing, so she felt better. Once a day, the new harp which made from the tree played very strange. Because it said “the king’s got donkey’s ears.” So, the king was very angry, but almost all of them knew this thing! The king was safety, and he felt good, so he freed all servants. He also learned to love his eyes!
It was nice story, isn’t it? I like it because it was happy end, so I felt good! I thought that the ear is very cute, but I want not to get like big ears! It was really interesting, so please read it once! Thank you for reading.
Lesley, Sims. (2009). The Donkey Ears, London, England; Usborne
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