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Last sunday
In this time, I will tell you about my last Sunday diary. In the morning, I went to go to the convenience store to work as part time job. When I finish this work, I came back my home soon because I had to go to soccer court to practice. After it, I ate breakfast soon, I went to go there very fast. Then I had been practiced about an hour with my friends. I went to Tamana city with my friend after I finished this practice. It took me about half an hour, so I was tired a little. However, Tamana city was very nice!! A lot of view was very nice and Jagatani park have many playground equipment, so we could do enjoy very much. Then we ate okonomiyaki as dinner. It was very big, so we could eat our fill! We came back our home after we ate this dinner. Tamana was very nice, so we thought we want to go there again to see cherry blossom in the next spring. And, this day was a last day as a weekend. I could do enjoy this week very much, so I want to hold on a rest of day in this semester! Thank you for reading.
I played with my friend today. I could do enjoy very much, so I will tell you about my today’s life in this time. First of all, I got up at 5 o’clock. It is very fast, isn’t it? I am working at convenience store in the morning, so I have to get up at very fast time fourth in a week. Then I ate some bread, and I went to the store by bike. It was very cold, so the part time job is very hard for me! In the morning, a lot of people come to convenience store which I am working, so the contents of part time job are very hard! The work finished at 9 o’clock, and I came back to my house to eat my real breakfast. Then I went to Toryo High School! It is my old school. I played soccer there with my friends. We met each other since we were high school student, so I was very glad! I felt relieved because they seemed very fine! We went to Clair to eat lunch after we played tennis. We went to there by my friend’s car. It was very cool! The lunch was very delicious, so I thought I want to there again! Then we came back each other’s house. After I came back my house, I slept very long time. The time was about 5 hours because I was tired! Then I am typing this blog watching comedy program. I am going to play soccer with my teammates tomorrow, so I want to sleep soon, but I have to take the bath. Also, I will go to the elementary school! I am looking forward to it! I want to do enjoy this event with my friends! Thank you for reading.
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Romeo and Juliet
I want to talk about Romio and Juliet. This novel was
written in the 16thcentury. The prestigious families of Montague and Caplet
fought against each other for a long time.
only son is Romio. One day, he was taken out to the Masked ball of the mansion
of Caplet by his friend. In the evening, he met a very beautiful woman. She is
Juliet of the only daughter of Capulet.
Two people knew the relations of each other’s houses.
However, they suffered from the love that they could not control. Romio could
not endure a feeling and went to her. And, he enters the site of Capulet and
finds Juliet. They promised eternal love there.
As for me, only this scene has very strong impression.
There are famous
lines in the scene. It is one line that Juliet said, “Oh, Romio, Romio! Wherefore act
thou Romio?” I am
very surprised this. And I thought that this story was very sad story.
There were one people that knew the
relations about them. It is Lawrence monk. He was consulted from Romio, and he
was disgusted with the change of the heart of Romio. However, he thinks that
Romio and Juliet may solve the difference of both families and helps with their
Later, Romio did a secret wedding ceremony, and happens to
meet the way back with Tybalt of Capulet. Romio was going to avoid a fight with
Tybalt who just became the relationship a while ago. But, Mercutio of the close
friend of Romio is irritated at the manner, and he pulled a sword to fight with
Tybalt. As a result, he was stubbed by Tybalt and he died. Romio who lost a
close friend got very angry, and flew into a rage. Then, Romeo murdered Tybalt,
and he was ousted from Verona.
Afterwards, Juliet was advised about a marriage talk with
Paris and she calls for help to Lawrence monk. It gave her the medicine that to
make suspected animation and to let her play dead. However, a messenger of
Romio saw a funeral service before informing it. And, the messenger told about
it to Romio. Romio who could not control sorrow went to her grave with poison
and followed her and took the poison. Then, Juliet woke up immediately and
looked at Romio who did not breathe. Juliet committed suicide with the dagger
which Romio had and she went to his place.
In this way, by the death of young lovers, the difference
of both families of the long time reached the end. Capulet and Montague grieved
by the death of the child each. They regretted that the fight of both families
made Romio and Juliet die and they promised a settlement. And they promised to
make a statue of the gold to worship two people. This story terminated in this.
The child of the house fighting against each other has
become to love each other, and it became the ending of the tragedy. I thought
that there might be a solution elsewhere before becoming like this. They met
the party and were in a love immediately and have died. This was a very sad
story and thought that it was ironical. I watched this movie for the first
time, I thought that I had a very good experience. I wanted to tell a friend
around me that this was very interesting.
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BR 10: The Gingerbread Man
The Gingerbread Man
I read a interesting book, and I thought something. The book name is ‘The Gingerbread Man’, so I will tell you about this book. First of all, I thought that the fox is very cleaver. Everybody couldn’t catch the gingerbread man because he could run very much. However, only the fox could catch him soon. The fox gave up to catch him by running, but the fox made him to ride his tail to across the river after the fox know that that the gingerbread man can’t swim. The fox used his brain full. Finally, the ginger bread man rode his tail, and he was eaten by the fox.
I also learned that we shouldn’t believe others. People may tell me about lie’s information. Thanks to this lie’s things, we may fell pain forever. A swindler are using like these human’s psychology, so we must not believe others easily!
Finally, I thought that this book is very interesting because the gingerbread are moving normally after the old man and old woman baked it! Of course, it is like dream story, but I want to meet a moving confectionery someday! And please read it! Thank you for reading.
Mairi, Mackinnon.(2006). The Gingerbread Man, London, England; Usborne
(209/6625 words)
BR 9: The Fish that Talked
The Fish that Talked
I thought a lot of think after I read a book. The book name is ‘the fish that Talked’, so his time I will tell you about this book. First of all, I thought that if you do a good deed, the good deed never goes unrewarded. For example, Manu is the very kind man, so he saved a fish, and he brought up it. The fish thanked for him, so the fish saved him as a repayment of a kindness.
I also thought that the man is very nice guy because he was very kind everyone. As I have said, he saved a fish, and brought up and he saved not only him, but also anyone else. So, they could save from a storm. Also, he ruled wisely his new country. After he was given a country from a god, he protected the teaching that the god talked him. Of course, it is very easy to rule to fill greed. I think president world like this. So, I respected him, and he was loved everyone!
After I read this book, I learned these things, and I thought I want to be like Manu. Of course, it is very difficult to kind everyone always, but this action will born a big confidence. I want to put to right my selfish mind, and I will be excellent man! Thank you for reading.
Rosie, Dickins. (2008). The Fish that Talked, London, England; Usborne
(245/6416 words)
BR 8:The Magic Porridge Pot
The Magic Porridge Pot
In this time, I will tell you about a book. The book name is ‘The Magic Porridge Pot’. It is very interesting because there are a lot of characters in this book and the painted is colorful! It is also very easy to read because this book was written by a lot of easy words, so I could read it soon. I also think and learn about many things, so I will explain you about its from now.
First of all, I thought a good deed never goes unrewarded someday. Hannah is very poor girl, so she always very hungry. However, she was able to eat to enough after she was given a Porridge Pot. I thought that this is why she became to eat enough foods, she was very kind girl! When she was poor times, she never had enough to eat, but she always shared food when she had some it. I heard that a human who do act of kindness, he or she will be repaid, so I thought so that. On the other hands, a greedy boy met some bad happening after he stole her pot. So, I also thought a human who do wrong isn’t repaid.
After I finished to read this book, I want to be like her. I thought that kind person will be happy someday even if he or she is very poor or unhappy now. I thought Hannah was my ideal woman, and I respect her! Thank you for reading.
Roise, Dickins.(2007). The Magic Porridge Pot, London, England; Usborne
(263/6171 words)
BR 7: Baba Yaga Flying the Witch
Baba Yaga Flying the Witch
I will tell you about a book in this time. The name is BabaYaga Flying the Witch. This book is has a lot of pages, so this story is very long. I was reading this book for a hour. So, I had a lot of emotion to the book. I will explain you about it from now.
First of all, the witch is very fearful because her hair was greasy, her hands were warty and her noses reached down to her chin. This witch called everyone Baba Yaga. The girl of main character was very young, so I thought she was frightening more. I don’t want to see like this witch.
I also thought it is very important to kind everyone. After she crowed her in to a magic hat, she gave some feed a dog and cat, and they helped her because she was very kind girl! I have a lot of valuable friends, so I want to kind them more! Thank you for readind.
Susanna Davidson, (2008). Baba Yaga Flying the Witch, London, England: Usborne
(183/5904 words)
BR 6: Chicken Licken
Chicken Licken
Chicken Licken is the main character’s name, and he is very cute. In the farmyard, most animal lives happy, but only he didn’t because he was scared of everything. One day, a tiny acorn dropped from the tree, and hit his head. He thought that the sky must be falling because he didn’t see the acorn. Then, he told everybody that thing. All of them who were told it were very surprised, so they want to the King’s place to tell him. However, Chicken Licken was blamed because they planed that the thing was lie.
I will tell you about a book. This book name is “Chicken Licken”. This book is a little difficult to read because this is long story, but it was very interesting, so I will explain you about the content from now.
Chicken Licken is the main character’s name, and he is very cute. In the farmyard, most animal lives happy, but only he didn’t because he was scared of everything. One day, a tiny acorn dropped from the tree, and hit his head. He thought that the sky must be falling because he didn’t see the acorn. Then, he told everybody that thing. All of them who were told it were very surprised, so they want to the King’s place to tell him. However, Chicken Licken was blamed because they planed that the thing was lie.
When I read it, I learned a thing. This is that I lost confidence for them if I not telling the truth everyone. This is very sad thing. I think there are good lies in the world, but too say lies, we will lost some friends.
I also thought that the illustration of this book was very cute! I especially like Chicken Licken very much! Thank you for reading.
Russell, Punter. (2007). Chicken Licken, London, England: Uscorne
(215/5724 words)
BR 5: The Genie in the Bottle
I will tell you about a book. The book name is “The genie in the bottle.” Almost all of words and grammar are very easy, so I could read it fluently. I felt something after I read it. First of all, I will explain you about the story.
Once upon time, there is a fisherman in the sea. When he was fishing, he caught a bottle, and a bad genie appeared from it. The genie is selfish, so he troubled, and he got the genie backed in the bottle. Then he went ton fishing, and caught a tasty fish for his dinner.
First, I thought the fisherman is very cleaver! His action that he got the genie backed in the bottle when he felt that he can get only disadvantageous things is very wonder full. In fact, he could live there happily after the genie disappeared there. So, I respected him. I also think that this story looks like our life. There is a big program in our life, but giving up is don’t better when you faced the problem. The fisherman found a way out of his trouble by using his brain. Like that, we can overcome it if we never give up, so happy life is waiting for you! I thought these things in this time. Thank you for reading.
Rosie, Dickins. (2009). The Genie in the Bottle. London, England: Usborne
(238/5509 words)
BR 4: The Owl and the Pussycat

The Owl and the Pussycat
This time, I will tell you about a book. This book name is “The owl and the pussycat”. I thought that some words and grammar are difficult, but the content is very interesting.
This is love story! The story that from travel first each other to marriage is written in this book. They ate telling the mind of each other by singing. The scene was very cute, so I thought I want to love somebody! The owl is very cool because he told pussycat his mind positively singing a song, and he looked for a ring himself to marriage with her. I couldn’t tell somebody my mind well, so I respected, and I want to be like him!
As I said first, I thought that this book is a little difficult for reading. Some words are especially very difficult for me, so I think I have to study English after I read this book! Thank you for reading.
Edward, Lear. (2008). The Owl and the Pussycat. London, England: Usborne
(174/5271 words)
BR 3: The Three Wishes

The Three Wishes
I will tell you about a book in this time. The book name is “The three wishes”. I thought this book is easy to read, so I could read it good feeling. When I read it, I thought that it is like dream story, so I am interested in content of it soon. First of all, I will explain tou about the content.
Once upon time, there are Ned and Nat, and they are very poor. One day, Ned helped a fairy, and a fairy told him that she gives him three wishes. If ordinary people are given three wishes, they asked must grant big dream. For example, “I want to have a lot of money.” However, Ned didn’t like that. Because he was hungry, he said “I want to eat a sausage.” Of cause, Net was very angry for him when she heard that he said to fairy like that. However, I respected him. He may think that “we don’t have to have a lot of money because we aren’t doing to effort for gain a lot of money”. This is my imagination, but I respected him very much if it is real. I thought that Ned is respected man as a person, so the fairy appears in front of him.
This time, I also want to meet the fairy someday! I don’t know what I said the fairy. If I meet the fairy, I want to be a man who say like Ned! Thank you for reading.
Lesley, Sims. (2009). The Three Wishes. London, England: Usborne
(261/5097 words)
BR 2: The Old Woman who lived in a Shoe
I will tell you about a book in this time. The book name is “the old woman who lived in a shoe”. I thought the book is very easily for reading, so I could read it speedy. When I read it, I respect the old woman, and I thought it is very difficult to grow children. First of all, I will explain it’s content.
Once upon time, the old woman lived in a shoe with a lot of children. A number of children are too many, so the shoe is too full. So, the old woman went to shoe shop to buy a new shoe, but all shoes are tiny or small, so she couldn’t buy it. When she was on her home, she met a huge giant. The giant have big shoes. Then, she helped him to pull a crab off his toe, and he gave her his shoes! Thanks to the giant, she and many her children have space to have fun now.
This story was like dream, so I like it! First, I thought the old woman is very kind. I don’t think if all children are her children, but she makes their play each other in her house. Moreover, she went to the shop to buy more one shoe because children don’t have enough space to play. She is very kind! I also think that to grow children is very difficult. When I read it, I noticed about it first. And, I thought I also want to shoes someday!
Russell, Punter. (2008). The Old Woman who lived in a Shoe, London, England: Usborne
(275/4836 words)
BR1: Stone Soup
Stone Soup
I will tell you about a book in this time. This book name is stone soup. I think we can read it easily because there is no difficult words and English grammar. First of all, I will explain about it’s content.
Once upon time, there is a poor man, and he asked a old woman because he was very hungry. And, he told her that he can make soup from a stone, so she was surprised, and she made him cooked. Finally, he could a soup from a stone in fact, but he made her popped onion, potato and meat in it. An old woman was removed the taste, so she made him stay for supper.
When I read it, I thought the poor ma is very clever. Because only stone was not made the soup. In fact, there are onion, potato and meat in it, so this soup was ordinary soup! He attracted her by using good tone. As a result, he could eat the soup and supper at her house. I thought that even if you have no money, you can live by using your brain and good phrase!
Lesley, Sims. (2009). Stone soup. London, England: Usborne
my languages
I can speak three languages now. These languages are Japanese, English and Spanish. I speak Japanese very well, and I speak English so-so. However, I don’t speak Spanish well. I can speak that a little. This time, I will tell about how I was learning these languages!
First of all, I am Japanese, so I can speak Japanese fluently. Honesty, I don’t remember how I was leaning Japanese because I can speak that when I noticed it. I think I maybe leaned Japanese by my mother or grandmother talked me by use this language. However, I learned by writing or speak at class of Japanese some phrases and idiom are I am using this language for about 20 years, but there are Japanese that I don’t understand. It is a dialect. Especially, dialects of outside the prefecture are very difficult for me to do understand, so I also want to learn these Japanese as Japanese!
Also, I can speak English so-so because I was learning this language since when I was a child arranging kindergarten. When I was that time and elementary school times, I learned English by speak some simple words. By these ways, I can fell world enjoy of English, and I thought English is very interesting, so I also learned this language in junior high school times. In this time, I was writing a lot of words to learn, and I could read some simple long sentence. I could increase English skill very much! Then, I study English very hard in high school times because I thought that I want to speak it very well in future. In high school, I study this language by speaking, writing, listening and reading, and I could increase all skill of English!
And now, I am studying English very hard every day at this University. I came to like English more because some teachers of this university are made me notice that charm of this language. So, I thought I want to work using English in future now. I think this dream is very difficult. However, I want to hold on without give up in this University’s life.
Finally, I can speak Spanish very a little. When I enter this university, I leaned this language fast, so I learned it for about a year. I think that this language is easier than other languages because the grammar of it is easy. Especially, this language looks like English. However, pronunciation of it is very difficult because there are some accents. In this year, I am not taking this subject.
By the way, I like English best in these languages. Second is Spanish. Last is Japanese. Because I think Japanese is the most difficult in these languages with one thing and another. However, all languages are very important!
As I have said, I could get three languages, and I noticed a lot of charms of such languages. I think almost all of languages should be studied by divide reading, listening, writing and speaking. It is difficult for us to get these all skills, but I think we can get these if we never give up! So, I want to study some languages very hard, and I think I want to grant my dream! Thank you for reading.
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