The Magic Porridge Pot
In this time, I will tell you about a book. The book name is ‘The Magic Porridge Pot’. It is very interesting because there are a lot of characters in this book and the painted is colorful! It is also very easy to read because this book was written by a lot of easy words, so I could read it soon. I also think and learn about many things, so I will explain you about its from now.
First of all, I thought a good deed never goes unrewarded someday. Hannah is very poor girl, so she always very hungry. However, she was able to eat to enough after she was given a Porridge Pot. I thought that this is why she became to eat enough foods, she was very kind girl! When she was poor times, she never had enough to eat, but she always shared food when she had some it. I heard that a human who do act of kindness, he or she will be repaid, so I thought so that. On the other hands, a greedy boy met some bad happening after he stole her pot. So, I also thought a human who do wrong isn’t repaid.
After I finished to read this book, I want to be like her. I thought that kind person will be happy someday even if he or she is very poor or unhappy now. I thought Hannah was my ideal woman, and I respect her! Thank you for reading.
Roise, Dickins.(2007). The Magic Porridge Pot, London, England; Usborne
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