The Three Wishes
I will tell you about a book in this time. The book name is “The three wishes”. I thought this book is easy to read, so I could read it good feeling. When I read it, I thought that it is like dream story, so I am interested in content of it soon. First of all, I will explain tou about the content.
Once upon time, there are Ned and Nat, and they are very poor. One day, Ned helped a fairy, and a fairy told him that she gives him three wishes. If ordinary people are given three wishes, they asked must grant big dream. For example, “I want to have a lot of money.” However, Ned didn’t like that. Because he was hungry, he said “I want to eat a sausage.” Of cause, Net was very angry for him when she heard that he said to fairy like that. However, I respected him. He may think that “we don’t have to have a lot of money because we aren’t doing to effort for gain a lot of money”. This is my imagination, but I respected him very much if it is real. I thought that Ned is respected man as a person, so the fairy appears in front of him.
This time, I also want to meet the fairy someday! I don’t know what I said the fairy. If I meet the fairy, I want to be a man who say like Ned! Thank you for reading.
Lesley, Sims. (2009). The Three Wishes. London, England: Usborne
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