
The story of The Cold War

In 1903, in a certain town in America, there were two boys. They looked like real brothers from all sorts of men. They were very good friends and always stayed together. They were 13 years old. One boy is Mike. He is American. It’s kind boy. Another boy is Golf. He is Russian. He has blue eye. They were a playmate one’s childhood since a nursery school. They had a same dream. It’s to be a president. The reason that they though like this was simple. There was a great chance. In 1910, Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt who was one-time president of America came to their town. At that time, they saw him who is loved by people of there and though “I would like to become a president who is loved by a people.” So, they promised each other to be that. Two years after, Golf came back to his country. Since then, they were keeping in contact. Mike was very genius. He could go to college. There were no people who can win him. And he was very kindly. He was said “gentle man Mr. Mike.” because he always kind enough to help somebody in trouble. In 1925, he solved a series of strange events by a bloodthirsty killer. So, he became a big name personage. And, he became one of candidate in 1945. At last, he became a president of America the next year. But, he was desperate to become the good president, and he had to think about how he became the good country desperately. Golf was not so excellent. So, did his best very much to become the president. At first he began with the small thing. He picked up garbage, worked on greeting, consideration to a citizen, and so on. Then the support from a citizen for him considerably increased. As a result, he was able to reach the president. Mike and Golf granted a promise at last. They though how they become peaceful for all over the world. As a result, the given answer did not fight. Therefore they decided not to fight each other. Because he want to wish peace. They call it the Cold War in the world. But this War made a lot of weapons. For example, nuclear bombs, grenade, flame radiation machine and so on.

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I got up at 6:00. But, I wanted to sleep more. So I stared 2nd sleeping. Then I got up at 8:00. On Friday, I have 1st class. So I have to leave at home at 8:30. I always need a lot of time to leave. So I was very surprised at that time. Anyway, I went to bathe room, and I had a shower. Then I put my clothes. I wanted to have breakfast, but I have no time. I leave home at 8:40. I went to the college by bike. I rode it with high speed. And then I arrived at the college at 9:00. I heard a chime at the parking. I ran to the classroom. 1st class was bussiness English. I could enter the classroom. My friends are late for the class too. This class is very difficult. We have hard time every class. I don’t have 2nd class. I always talk with friends in this time. So I went to LAWSON with my friends. And, we sit and started talking. I wanted to drink café latte. I got it by the vending machine. This vending machine has a lagniappe. When we get cup, we do written oracles. I always get “Kichi” or “Chukichi”. But, today was different. I could got “Daikichi”. I was very happy. Then we enjoy talking. 3rd class was international laws.
When I take this class, I am always sleepy. I tried to not to sleep. But, I couldn’t. I slept. When I waked up, the class had only ten minutes. My friends said to me “You are always sleeping. I want to see you without sleeping,” Sorry my friends. 4th class was Japanese Education I don’t like this class. This class is very difficult. I can’t understand anything the teacher says. Today was hard too. I worry about the final. I don’t want to lose the credit. Please help me. After school, I went to e-campus center and studied with my friend. Today, I don’t have part time job. I was very lucky. I could study well. Then I went home. I arrived at home. I was tired. I took bath, and I had dinner. I was very sleepy. I decided to study English for brogger tomorrow. I will enjoy weekend and study hard. Thank you.

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About My Univercity Life

I am a last grade student in Kumamoto Gakuen University. The reason of that I chose this University is that I wanted to go another country. So, I entered this University to study English. And, I chose this English class.

 At first, I will talk about study on this University and my schedule about ever. I almost studied English and another class.  Monday is about  a law of joint-stock company. Tuesday ismarketing manegement and English Grammer. Wednesday is Japanese and society, writing and a history of English literacture. Thursday is English conversation as a home teacher for my cousin. Friday is free, but I have to do my homework. Therefore, I study almost English. The other subjects, I have attended for my job.

Next, I will talk about my friends. My English class has a lot of people. And, there are many girls in this class. So, there are a lot of people who I have not talked because I am very shy. Therefore, I always stay with my friends who are boys. In my class, maybe there are 15 boys. So, we are very friendly with each other’s. At lunch time, we always go to the school dining room.

Next, I will talk about club activity. I belonged to the Children Culture Club. This club does interchange with the children as a volunteer. There are 80 club members. There are about 40 members in the first grade. In the second grade, there are about 30 members. There were few members of people, but that increased a lot from last year. We are active every Wednesday. There are many interesting and kind people. So, our activities are fun every time.

Next, I will talk about my Graduation trip. I think I want to go Europe because there is a splendid cultural heritage there. Especially, I want to go to London, U.K. I have been there once, when I was high school student. Then, I have stayed there about two weeks for language learning. Therefore, I could not go to all famous spots. So, I want to go to see the sights with my English class friends. And, I want to use English that I learned at this college and I want to talk with local people. This is about my college life. Thank you for reading.
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About my home town

I was born in Kumamoto city. I have lived in Kumamoto ever since I was born. So, my hometown is Kumamoto and, I am living in Kashima in Kumamoto. This is very good place and people call it “The capital of water”. The town where I live in has a lot of delicious water. And we do not need to pay for water.

People around us call my town countryside. But about 10 years ago, when I was in the 5th grade of elementary school, a very big shopping center was built. The name is Clair. There are a lot of shops in the Clair, including clothing shops, shoes shops, accessory shops, a game corner and movie theatre. There are a lot of eating places, McDonald's, Kentucky Fried Chicken, MOs Burger, Mr. Donut, Subway, Yoshinoya, and others. Anyway, Kashima stopped being so rural. And I worked in the only ENEOS in Kashima. So, if you come to Kashima, please drop in there.

Next, I will talk about my friends. I spent all my time in Kashima from kindergarten to junior high school. Because my friends were in the same schools all the time, we all are very close. Kashima is divided into the east precinct and the west precinct for the elementary school, and there were more people in the west precinct approximately double than of the people in the east precinct. Therefore number of people in the east precinct felt small when I first went to junior high school. However, we entered the junior high school, and everybody was able to talk each other without problems one month later. In addition I was able to make a lot of friends. And I was able to make an irreplaceably close friend at junior high school. His name is Kyuga. He is a first grader at a university in Fukuoka now. This is because he did not pass the school of choice at the time of examination for university two years ago. Still he studied every day for one year. I was pleased together at the time of mark that his test had good score, and I continued to encouraging him at the time of test when he had bad score. Therefore I was very glad when he granted his dream.

I was born in this town and was really good. I had many encounters in my hometown. I am proud of my town and I want to do something in the future from now on for my town.


Round 1

I went to Round 1 with members of circle. I am member of Children Culture Society. I didn’t take part in the activities last year. But, in this year, I take part in activities. This day was activities of the second grade members. In the morning I left for Round 1 by bike. At 10:00, we arrived. And, activities started!! We enjoyed sports. Futsal was very excited. There are many girls. So it was boys vs. girls. This game was very good. This day was very hot. We moved to cool floor. We enjoyed table tennis. It was very excited. Then everyone was very tired. Almost members slept in the rest area. And then we go to the stake restaurant. The restaurant is very delicious!! And, my friend's Arisa was working there! It was surprised for me. When We leave the shop, she discounted the rate for all the members. We thanked her very much. Anyway, these activities were very wonderful!! I thought that this circle was very good. I can’t wait for next activities. Thank you!!

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About my favorite colors.

Today, I talk about my favorite colors. I like three colors. First of all, I like purple the best. My blog’s background is purple. My another Gmail’s address use "purple". Purple is called murasaki in Japanese. I have many purple goods. Everyone calls me purple mania. My image color is purple. Next time, I intend to buy purple smart phone cover. I have like this color since I was a child. And second I like red. When I watch this color, I am fired. My bike is red. When I find it at the store for the first time, I decided to buy. And also, I like green. These days I like this color. My iPod is green. When I watch this color, I can relax. I think there are a lot of colors in the world. There are the colors that I have never seen. I want to know about colors more. 
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About Fast Food

I will talk about my favorite fast food restaurant. Now, there are a lot of fast food restaurants. For example, there are McDonal’s, Mos Burger, and so on. I like hamburgers, but my favorite fast food restaurant is wrong. My favorite restaurant is Mister Donut. I love donuts. Mister Donut is great restaurant. When I want to eat fast food, I go to Mister Donut. Fortunately, Mister Donut is near my house. I think I can eat donuts everyday. I think all people like donuts. My favorite donut is chocorate fashion. It is very delicious. It is milky, and chocolate is little bitter. These two tastes are great. When I eat this donut, I am happy. And also, I recommend this donut. It is pon de ring. This donut is soft chewy texture. If we start eating it, we could not stop eating. Today, I ate donuts. They were very delicious. I wanted to eat more.

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MR2.Cool hand Luke

 Today, I watched a video “Cool hand Luke”. This movie is called “Bouryoku datugoku” so, I thought this movie is very violent and had a lot blood. However, when I saw it, the content was completely different from my expectations.

 The main character is Luke who is played by Paul Newman. He starts from a drunken scene where he broke a parking meter at midnight. At first, I was thought whether he will fight, but I was surprised because he was only caught by the police.

 He was very imposing in prison. Dragline who boss of the prisoner saw his manner and he was angry. And, he was a fight with Luke. But, Luke is very weak. So, he was beaten to unilaterally from Dragline. However, he stood up many times. As a result, the Dragline was defeated by strong guts of Luke and he became a boss of the prisoner.

 This scene was very exciting for me. I think fighting scenes are enjoyable for all men. Then, there was a scene where Luke eats 50 eggs. In addition, he said that he can eat 50 eggs in an hour. Normally I think it is impossible. But, he accomplished it thanks to his fellows.

 I was very impressed by the scene. More than anything else, acting and guts of Paul Newman was amazing. Then, he was even escaped from prison 3 times. Although first and second time ended in failure, the third, he broke out of prison by a truck with Dragline. After that, they fled separately. But, Dragline was caught earlier and betrayed the place where Luke was staying.

 At that time they were trying to surrender, one of the guards fired at Luke. I was very surprised and shocked. Dragline was also outraged by the prison guards of the movie. He was punished after that, but the story of bravery Luke had been followed in between him and his friends.

 At first, I was not interested in this movie. However, I have been increasingly attracted to the charm of this movie. I did not really like old movie, but my preference has changed.



Today, I talk about my favorite sports brand. My favorite brand is PUMA. PUMA is very big company. The head office is in Germany. PUMA’s logo looks like a cat. It is cool and cute. I play soccer. I use PUMA’s goods. My spike is PUMA’s. I have use PUMA’s spikes since I was an elementary school student. PUMA’s fits me. Now, I use orange spike of PUMA. It looks showy. When I find it at the sports shop, I was excited. It is very cool. And also, my practice wears are PUMA’s. When I go shopping to the sports shop, first, I check PUMA’s goods. PUMA is very famous in the world. Many soccer teams use PUMA. I like to check these goods. I like the uniform of Italia international soccer team. It is very cool. Next time, I intend to get this uniform.

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MR1 Gree

Today, I watched a drama “Glee”. I have heard about this drama. But I have not watched this ever. I saw first episode of the drama. At first, I will introduce about main 3 characters Rachel, Finn, Will. First, Rachel is a girl and a high school student. She loves to sing and belong to Glee club. However, she is too having a little confidence in herself. So she has been bullied at school. But, her singing voice is very very beautiful. And, I was surprised that both of her parents are gay. There are a lot of gays, so I became a very fresh feeling. Second, I introduce a teacher of Spanish that is Will. He began the glee club and he belonged to the club when he was high school student. So he is indispensable for this club. He is to continue the club, he pulled Finn from Rugby club. Last is Finn. He belongs to Rugby club and Glee club. He joins the Glee club by being deceived by Will. At first, he did not want to join the club. But, one day, a mate of Glee had been bullied a group of Rugby. I felt Finn is very good person then. I have not seen only one episode yet. However, this series is up to season 6. To see it all, you must have a lot of time. However, I thought I want to see more the continuation of this drama. And I was interested in the foreign drama for the first time. One of the charms of this drama Glee is the club of the song, and I love all of them. Glee is this title. It means “about opening yourself up to joy”. This word makes us happy. In fact, you would change your thinking if you watch this drama.

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About Japanese anime

I talk about my favorite character. My favorite character is Doraemon. Doraemon is very famous Japanese anime character. And also, this character is very famous in the world. Doraemon is a robot. He is not normal robot. He is a robot of cat. The color is blue. He has no ear. He came from 22 century. He has younger sister. Her name is Dorami. She is cute. Doraemon has a partner. His partner is Nobita. Nobita is very weak. So Doraemon always helps him. He has many great tools because he came from the future. I think Doraemon is very kindly, but he is not only kindly. He teaches Nobita to be a good adult. I think Doraemon teaches not only Nobita. Doraemon says good phrase. When I watch this animation, I always admire. I think that everyone should watch Doraemon. This animation makes us be good person. I love Doraemon.



The reason of join this class is for my mother. I did not like English, when I was junior high school student. But, when I was high school student, my class teacher was English teacher. So, our class was studying English very hard. I did my best and followed them. Therefore, I thought I want to go the foreign country. I have been to foreign country two times, when I was high school student. First time, I went to London for three weeks for short term studying abroad. It is a very nice trip for me. Second time is I went to Taiwan for five days for school trip, when I was high school. The trip was so interesting for me.
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About my favorite movie

I talk about my favorite movie. It is 5 Centimeter Per Second. This movie was directed by Makoto Shinkai. He is a great anime creator. I like his movies. This is an animation movie. There are two reasons why I like it. First, I like its story. When I watched this movie for the first time, I had an agonizing feeling. This movie is love story. Then I was crazy about that movie. And the second reason, the graphic is very beautiful. When I watch this movie, I feel good. I think this graphic is more beautiful than real. Now I have two novels of this movie. I enjoy 5 Centimeter Per Second. I want everyone to know about this movie.
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About my favorite sports

Today, I talk about my favorite sports. My favorite sport is soccer. I love soccer. I started playing soccer when I was an elementary school student. When I was a junior high school student, I was a member of the soccer team. This team was strong. We could get great score. Now, I am a member of the soccer club. This is a working member of society soccer club. This season, we had two games. We won both games. The season started in summer. Those games were so hard, but we could win. I was so happy. And also, I like to watch soccer. When there is a soccer game on TV, absolutely, I watch. I’m looking forward to 2018 world cup.

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About my favorite place

Today, I talk about my favorite place. I have my favorite places. First, my favorite place is my room. When I am there, I can relax. There are many books so I can read them on the sofa. This room is too large, but this is good. When I am in home, I’m always my room. And second, my favorite place is the college. It is KGU. I love KGU. Why do I like the college? The reason is because I can meet my friends. I love my friends. When I talk with my friends, I feel best. There is a cafeteria. I like it. I always use in lunch time. The lunch is very delicious and it is large. I want to love their places.